Patchwork 3D
Discover the main benefits of the Patchwork 3D software.
From real-time to physical-realistic
Depending on the realism desired in your work phases, you have at your disposal several rendering engines, from the fastest (OpenGL, interactive) to the most realistic (ray tracing, physical realism).

Our software allows you to easily create an infinite combination of variants from a CAD model by modifying shapes, positions, materials, the environment, lights…
These configurations can be recalled in an instant and used to develop a whole range of products. Arrange elements on aspect layers and they become combinable at will.
Realistic materials
Material features such as multi-layers, stickers, Parallax Bump Mapping, and the text generator allow you to achieve highly detailed results. AxF scanned materials and the Car Paint function reproduce real materials more faithfully.
Materials are defined in metric units, hence they are reusable and compliant on all your products for predictable results. The powerful Stitching Workshop helps you to create very realistic seams easily in a few minutes.

… and very easy positionable
Our UV unfolding technology is the most precise and easy to use. It is used to flatten the surfaces of your 3D models and control the behavior of the materials applied to them very precisely: follow the contours, visualize the constraints and orient them in a few clicks.
Patterns can be exported to create custom texture images.
Lights and decorations
A complete palette of tools allows you to define lighting ambiances: omnidirectional sources, spots, extended lights, sunlight, and HDRI environments will make your scenes even more realistic. Import photo-realistic HDRI 3D sceneries corresponding to the environment and get an amazing immersion of your product.

Still, animated or interactive images
Produce images to share, and record videos of your products with cinematic animations, camera movements, and even material variations.
You can also use 3D data to create scenarios and respond to user interactions in our computer, mobile and web-based viewers. Rotate the product, compare several variants, trigger animations, configuration changes…