Find on this page our YouTube tutorials.
They will teach you the main steps and will allow you to get started with our Patchwork 3D software

#0 Basics & Installation
You can find here a file (pdf) to help you get started with the software: how to install it, to activate it, to guide you in the interface.
#1 Import & Navigation
Start with the basics with import and navigation, but also some useful shortcuts.
Find here the .fbx file that you can use to train and follow step by step the tutorial that will be done on these aircraft seats:
#2 Organize and create geometries
This new tutorial will allow you to better organize yourself in geometry layers, learn how to recalculate normals and create new primitives.
#3 UV Unfolding
Learn the unfolding techniques offered by the software. From the one-click technique to border following, discover all the possibilities.
#4 Lighting
In this episode, learn how to light a scene and calculate lighting. Position and choose your type of lighting to get the rendering you want!
#5 Creating and assigning materials
With this tutorial, learn how to create beautiful materials and how to assign them to surfaces. Different types of materials are available to make your 3D renderings even more realistic!
#6 Decor and Environment
In this episode, learn how to light a In this episode, learn how to stage your model in a 360° environment. You’ll get an even more realistic scene by creating a set with the remote 3D view feature!
#7 Configuration rules
In this episode, you will learn how to create configuration rules to showcase variations of your model. You’ll see how to use these tools to place the product in sets to show all the possibilities of your product!
#8 Animations
In this episode, bring the scene and your product to life! You’ll learn how to animate the model, variants and textures with the kinematics tools and the editing bench.
#9 Backgrounds, titles, overlays and visual effects
In this episode, you’ll set the stage for your product and make it shine! You will learn how to create titles, backgrounds and visual effects with backgrounds, overlays and post-processing.
#10 Rendering and sharing to the web or in VR
With this episode, share your product in images or interactive 3D, on the web or in virtual reality! You will learn how to render an image or a video, as well as how to export the model and the staging to the online sharing platform Lumis 3D and the virtual reality headset software Accel VR.
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